Monday, May 21, 2012

Michael Pare, or is This what happens when you beat a Big Fat Gay Street Gang in the movies??

I am on Twitter.

There, I said it. I Tweet MAYBE once a month. More, if I am feeling froggy, but generally, I don't think anyone sees it, and I really just want to know about my favorite guilty pleasures. You know them, Jesse James, Fred Durst, Joel and Benji Madden, you are getting the idea. It gives me that feeling of intimacy I know I will never achieve with these celebrities, maybe give an insight into their day to day lives which will prove that they ARE just like me (I mean US Magazine tells me this in EVERY SINGLE issue). This knowledge, in and of itself, makes me happy. Ray Liotta shops at COSTCO! Ricki Lake is having issues with flying! Kirstie Alley...well, she IS Kirstie Alley - nuff said. Celebrites celebrating the mundane, THAT is Twitter. And, if they can celebrate the mundane, so can I: Raining on the Island, looks like a soup and sandwich in bed day! The difference, of course, that that 40,000 people will not be answering my mundane tweets, ReTweeting them a million times or buying soup by the 40 gallon drum so that they can be JUST LIKE ME. Which brings me to the REAL reason for this post.

Michael Pare.

Yes, Michael Pare. Eddie Wilson of Eddie and the Cruisers, Tom Cody from Streets of Fire (which I watched for the 47,983,232 time this morning. Because tonight, indeed, is what it means to be young.) and B-Movie sexpot. Hubba, hubba is all I have to say. Michael Pare has found his way into my dreams, lately. The most likely reason, of course, is that Streets of Fire has been on a continuous loop on The Encore networks for the past two months. Let me take you back in time....

Lizzy and I shared a bedroom. We were, for the most part, opposites. Lizzy loved C. Thomas Howell. You could not call him Tommy Howell in her presence, it was C. Thomas or nothing. I LOVED Matt Dillon. Lizzy loved Streets of Fire. The summer it was released, 1984, I was 15, Lizzy was 12. We listened to Diane Lane and that entire soundtrack on our record player endlessly, even replacing it three times (you guys remember the bubbles that would form on records from being overplayed, right?) We knew every word of music, we knew every line from the film. I was sure that I would both meet and marry Tom Cody, he was perfect for me, after all. And I, of course, could make him forget Ellen Aim. Plus, he was a Soldier of FORTUNE. I mean, that must mean SOMETHING. Right?   Tom Cody bonded two VERY different sisters, so if it meant nothing before THAT, it certainly gained momentum after.                                   

Streets of Fire had something for everyone, men, women, old and young, black and white (this movie was the debut of MANY stars, and featured Forrest Gump's Mykelti Williamson - you know? Bubba? His name was Michael T. Williamson then, folks), straight or gay (the S & M bondage gear worn by MOST of Willem Dafoe's street gang! Who knew that leather waders would both threatening and chic by menacing Street Gangs in Dystopia?) But, I digress.

Anyway, I went onto Twitter to see if Michael Pare had an account. He doesn't. HOWEVER, interestingly, I noticed that there was a post by someone who claimed she was Diane Lane (Ellen Aim). It was a simple one, none of her own words, really. But it quoted some other blog, stating that the real problem with Streets of Fire was, in fact, Michael Pare. That he was talentless. Well, I take exception to that. Seriously.

First thing being first, I am 43 years old, my husband is a 9/11 first responder whose health has steadily declined over the last 5 years. These days, lately, are long and often not fun. I am often tired, grumpy, mean, annoyed and generally not too fun to be around. HOWEVER, when I saw Streets of Fire for the fire time in 20 years 2 months ago, I was 15 all over again. I remembered everything that I felt the first time I watched it when I was a kid. All I have to say is Michael Pare did that. Done. And done.

Time isn't kind to everyone, but this guy has aged well. He's still got it. He has consistantly worked for 30 years. He is, by most accounts, a smart, amiable guy. A trained chef, even! Now, I have heard there is an unofficial sequel to 'Streets of Fire' called 'Road to Hell'. I think Tom Cody is supposed to be a serial killer or something. I would like to see it, if only to see Tom Cody again.

So, blogger person, while opinions are what they are, you need to see Streets of Fire again. Have an open mind. Call it what it is, 80's cheese. Oh, and Michael Pare, if you are out there, you will always have my heart. You rock, dude.